Extend your reach and engagement with live podcasts

In March 2022, our ‘Business Essentials Daily’ (BE Daily) podcast had the pleasure of partnering with Barrington Centre to deliver a live webinar to help businesses tackle the challenges of COVID. It proved to be a very successful event and well received by those tuning in. Providing more proof that a live podcast event can be a powerful engagement tool.

Why consider a live podcast event?

SoundCartel is not usually in the business of running live events – and that’s because we believe in the benefits of on-demand consumption of audio (and other media), which we’ve talked about a lot.

So why did we bother presenting a live webinar? And why should you consider a live podcast event?

The opportunity to facilitate a live panel discussion with experts has provided our Business Essentials Daily podcast with a tonne of additional value. It has:

  • Attracted a new audience to the podcast by reaching Barrington Centre’s audience.
  • Given existing fans of BE Daily an opportunity to engage and contribute to the podcast.
  • Provided a deeper content experience within the themes of the podcast.
  • Created a shared experience, as opposed to the solitary listening experience that a podcast provides.
  • Given us a valuable on-demand version of the live event (watch above).

While this webinar was free, live events can generate a revenue stream via ticket sales, sponsorship opportunities and merchandise.

After two years of being locked in our homes, we’ve been starved of togetherness, so people are looking for reasons to venture out again. This lends itself to performing your podcast in a more personal setting.

For example, consider inviting your audience to be in the same room as you when you record an episode. For business podcasts, this creates time for networking. But for all podcasts, you can gain immediate feedback and input into the content of your podcast from your audience.

Of course, a podcast isn’t as polished when recorded live, but audiences are sophisticated enough to understand this, with many enjoying the more authentic, behind the scenes feel. Plus, they get to meet the host/s who they’ve become so familiar with. And you can always edit the live event afterwards, for on-demand delivery.


A live podcast provides opportunities to interact with your audience in real-time,  build strong bonds and enhance audience loyalty. And of course, partnerships help expand your reach to a broader and often entirely new audience.

Overall you’ll generate more engagement with your podcast and your business.

More about our live event

Let’s face it, 2022 has not started as most expected or hoped. It’s been met with fatigue, frustration and hope seeping away as businesses struggle with staff shortages due to illness or isolation.

So, we saw an opportunity with our ‘Business Essentials Daily’ podcast to provide a one-off special event in partnership with the Barrington Centre, who’s CEO Rhonda Andrews is already a regular guest on BE Daily.

SoundCartel’s Managing Director, Nick Schildberger, facilitated a panel made up of subject matter experts across the medical, psychological, business and economic disciplines, to discuss the impacts that SME business owners and staff are facing, two years in to the COVID merry-go-round.

Panellists discussed the challenges for business and how to address them, from the perspective of business, health and personnel.

Nick was joined by:

  • Neville Norman, Professor of Economics, The University of Melbourne.
  • Dr Catherine Kelaher – Principal Medical Advisor, Office of Health Protection, Australian Government Department of Health, ACT
  • Rhonda Andrews, Managing Director and Principal Psychologist, Barrington Centre
  • John Di Natale, Mentor, Speaker and Author

You can watch a full replay of the live panel discussion at the top of this page.


If you’re thinking about producing a podcast for your brand or wanting to partner for a live event, let us help you. Please call us on +613 982 8333 or drop us an email below.